Pakistan Railways

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Sr. No. Company Name Updated On Bid Amount Departure Date Originating Station Destination Station Action

Pakistan Railways Premier Container Service

Pakistan Railways is a flagship carrier having vast network across Pakistan. In order to provide fast delivery of containers, Pakistan Railways is launching premier Container Service which will deliver 60 TEUs/ 30FEUs from Karachi Port (PICT, KICT, Wazir mention) and Port Qasim (load out station/ Jumma goth/ Marshaling yad pipri) to FDP, SDR/QSS/Jia Bagga/, MGPR/Prem Naggar in 32 hours (Committed time). The train will run on 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th & 21st and 26th of every month at 23:00 hours. The train will leave on the date of loading at 23 hours. The booking of train will be closed 24 hours prior to departure. The consignor who has offered the highest rate above the existing rate of Rs.131250/- per wagon (2-TEU/1FEU) up to closing time will be declared as successful auctioneer. Those who are interested will have to maintain freight deposit Account with Pakistan Railways. The FDA account of successful auctioneer will be debited after the closing time. Six hours each at originating and terminating station for loading/ unloading will be given. Delay in loading/ unloading will be charged as per rules of Pakistan Railways. If P.R fails to deliver the consignment in time, per hour penalty @ Rs.1000/- per wagon will be given to consignor subject to maximum of premium. Booking will be allowed for full container train of 30 wagons for 60 TEUs or 30 FEU or equivalent subject to maximum weight condition of 60 tons loading capacity per wagon. The booking will be opened on P.R. Website on 5th March, 2021 and the first train will depart on 11th March, 2021.

Pakistan Railways Premier Coal Service

Pakistan Railways is a flagship carrier having vast network across Pakistan. In order to provide fast delivery of COAL, Pakistan Railways is launching premier Coal Train (of 60 tonnes per wagon) from Karachi Port (Marshaling yad pipri/ Jumma goth). Details are as under:

Premium Coal Train Type of Stock Destination Stations Turn Around Commited Time No of Wagons Dep Date
PC-1 ZBKH Faisalabad DP 40 Hrs 40 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, 22nd & 27th
PC-2 ZBKC Faisalabad DP, Chichoki Malian, Shahdara Bagh, Jia Bagga & Changa Manga 40 Hrs 35 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23rd & 28th

The train will run at 23:00 hours from each starting and destination station respectively. The train will leave on the date of loading at 23:30 hours. The booking of train will be closed 24 hours prior to departure. An aditional destination station can be added on request The consignor who has offered the highest rate above the existing rate of Rs.2.18/- per ton/Km up to closing time will be declared as successful auctioneer. Those who are interested will have to maintain freight deposit Account with Pakistan Railways. The FDA account of successful auctioneer will be debited after the closing time. Six hours each at originating and terminating station for loading/ unloading will be given. Delay in loading/ unloading will be charged as per rules of Pakistan Railways. If P.R fails to deliver the consignment in time, per hour penalty @ Rs.500/- per wagon will be given to consignor subject to maximum of premium. Booking will be allowed for full Coal train of 35 wagons of ZBKC and 40 Hopper Wagons of ZBKH or equivalent subject to maximum weight condition of 60 tons loading capacity per wagon. The booking will be opened on P.R. Website on 24th April, 2021 and the first train will depart on 27th April, 2021 and 2nd train on 28th April, 2021.

To Create FDA Account Please Contact:

Divisional Superintendent Karachi
Landline No: 021-99213500
Fax: 021-99213501
Divisional Marketing Manager
Landline No: 021-99213507
Fax: 021-99213501